How Do I Keep My Home Safe For Seniors?

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Keeping your home safe for seniors and yourself in older age is vital for continued independent living.

Without essential changes to your surroundings, growing old in your property can be a danger rather than a walk in the park. Follow these simple steps from our team at Horizon Care Ltd and feeling uneasy in your own home will be a feeling you’ll never have to experience again.

Efficient Lighting

If you can’t walk into a room and turn on the light right away, you could be putting yourself in danger. Walking into a dark room to find a light switch when you are not agile on your feet can often be a hazardous procedure, especially when living on your own.

One way to combat this rather than adding extra wiring ports and switches is to have a lamp at every room entrance, to easily light the path through the room. Although this is a solution, it always pays to pay attention to where the wires and connections of these lamps are, so that you are not creating hazardous tripping points in every room.

Anyone can have a fall, but older people are more vulnerable and likely to fall, especially if they have a long-term health condition”, NHS Choices. With the majority of falls happening when lighting is dimmed, you really need to make sure you have sufficient lighting throughout your whole home to take care of yourself and your quality of life.

Flooring Conditions

Although it can often be common sense, the condition of home flooring can often lead to disarray if not cared for and can result in trips and falls indefinitely. All rugs need to be carefully placed out of the way of pathways, all carpets need to be secured so there is no movement and laminated floorings need to be slip free to avoid injury.

Creating non-slip surfaces removes the possibility of a fall while you are home alone and can also make you feel much more comfortable within your own home when mobility could be an issue in the first place.

Some of the most common falling problems result from loose rugs, clutter on the floors, poor flooring and wet floors that when underfoot, can cause serious consequences regardless of your age.

Safe Stairways

As you will know yourself, the feeling of missing a step or falling down the stairs is not pleasant and it is even worse when its in your own home. The same stairs that you will have once ran up and down, suddenly become a fear in their own right and can often put off the homeowners from even using them.

By simply making sure your stairways are free from clutter, easy to navigate and a non-slip flooring material is in place, you are setting yourself up for easy stairway use rather than a dangerous path. In other cases, where movement up and down the stairs needs to be assisted, then professional stairlifts may need to be installed which our carers are more than capable of connecting you with.

All of our caring team can carry out any of these checks in your home if needs be, so that you can carry on living comfortably in your home with the peace of mind you deserve.

There has been recent research throughout the Yorkshire area into the risks of falls in a home and the figures are shocking. With risks leading from missing handrails, uneven flooring and poor lighting it is clear that it is a problem all over the UK, not just in Exeter.

Get in Touch

With various home care services available, all you have to do is call Horizon Care Ltd today on 01392 426 340As well as scheduled care we provide all patients with 24 hour out-of-hours emergency services.